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How to organize its fresh storage?

The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021

The preservation of fresh food in the catering industry is subject to precise standards. The objective is to control the cold chain, in order to preserve their edibility, their taste and nutritional properties and the smell of food, by limiting the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of bacteria and fungi.

In this article, we guide you on the right methods to apply so that you are prepared in the event of an audit carried out by the DDPP. (Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations)

Know everything about standards

The HACCP method in the kitchen

Before focusing on the storage of fresh produce, hygiene in restaurants is the first essential point.

First of all, we advise you to ensure:

Maintenance of refrigeration equipment

  • Checking the condition of the equipment at each opening. The restaurateur must check the condition of the fridge.
  • The selection of the right cleaning products to use is important because mixing these products should be avoided for safety reasons.
  • Detergents (cleaning)
  • Detergents-disinfectants (cleaning and destruction of microorganisms)
  • Disinfectants; (destruction of microorganisms)
  • The cold room or the professional refrigerator must be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week.
  • Cleaning or maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified personnel. The device must be turned off during this process.

Personal hygiene of team members

Staff must ensure a high level of personal cleanliness and wear adequate and clean clothing (apron, toque, safety shoe, etc.) to avoid any contamination of foodstuffs. He must also report any infectious disease to the kitchen manager.

Warning ! Hand hygiene is essential, before, during and after any handling.

Rules regarding fresh storage

Control upon receipt of the products is essential. It is important to take into account the condition of packaging and products upon arrival. It is also important to quickly check the quantity and characteristics of the product in order to comply with storage conditions without breaking the cold chain.

In order to guarantee the quality of the products

  • The cold chain must be mastered. Indeed, some foodstuffs must be kept at an exact temperature.

Two types of fresh storage, used according to the type of product, according to the type of restaurant.

For the positive cold room , food must be stored at + 3 ° C , For negative cold room , the recommended temperature is < strong> –18 ° C. A thawed product should be consumed within 48 hours and kept in a cool place.

  • Remember to separate the types of food (seafood, dairy products, animal products, etc.) to respect the correct temperatures.
  • For hygiene standards, it is forbidden to store directly on the ground, and to dispose of plastic packaging and cardboard boxes.

At the level of maximum storage temperatures

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Food storage temperature

Nature of the food

+ 6 ° C

  • Fresh dairy products other than pasteurized milk
  • Butters and fats
  • Fresh desserts made from milk substitutes
  • Stable sliced ​​meat products

+ 4 ° C

  • Cooked or precooked animal or vegetable foods
  • Cold meats, stuffed pasta, sandwiches
  • Mixed salads, sauce bases
  • Poultry, rabbit
  • Smoked or cured fishery products
  • Fresh raw milk products
  • Pre-packaged cut or grated cheese
  • Pre-cut raw vegetables and their preparations
  • Thawed products

+ 3 ° C

  • Prepared culinary preparations

+ 2 ° C

  • Seafood, thawed unprocessed fishery products, cooked and chilled shellfish products
  • Minced meats

- 18 ° C

  • Ice creams, ice creams, sorbets and any frozen food
  • Minced meats and frozen meat preparations
  • Frozen fishery products