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[Flash-info] Health checks are stepped up in the CHRs

Food Hygiene News 12 April 2021

In the face of the pandemic, checks for compliance with COVID-19 health rules are intensifying. The latest rates indicate a very active circulation of the virus. As of yesterday 52,000 cases were identified by the health authorities in France.

Several agents were mobilized to strengthen the surveillance of the health protocol put in place. In Marseille, Covid brigades were launched this week, to enforce these measures.

Reminder of sanitary rules.

Since the new system was put in place, some establishments have not complied with it.

General confusion in bars, cafes and restaurants

Some establishments mix several activities simultaneously. During checks this creates confusion. But the prefectural decree is very clear: Only restaurants * can remain open, however bars and cafes will have to lower the curtain for at least 15 days.

A restaurant must meet several criteria:

  • Have a well-detailed menu (starter, main courses, desserts, coffee)
  • Have a well-equipped kitchen,
  • Have a Chef and his team,

For brasseries, the rule is "To consume, you have to eat". It is essential to differentiate between brasserie and restaurant despite the fact that they have certain similarities. The aim of a brasserie is to offer relatively simple, recognized cuisine. generally for "Steak Frites". They generally offer an extended fixed menu and a few suggestions of the day, linked to the seasons.

In case of non-compliance with the rules

The sanctions include a fine of 135 euros and the administrative closure of the establishment.

As a reminder, it is essential to provide:

  • A reminder book,
  • A poster indicating the maximum authorized tonnage in the room,
  • The distance of one meter for each table and chairs of the different tables,
  • Hydroalcoholic gel within the establishment,
  • Payment at the table.
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