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Mérieux Nutrisciences

Audit & Hygiene

HACCP hygiene training

Training your teams in good hygiene practices is a regulatory obligation, sanctionable by the authorities if not implemented. In addition, at least one person from your team must also be identified as a Hygiene Advisor and have followed specific training lasting 14 hours. This is why, as the number 1 organization in catering training, we offer you various coherent programs that are in line with the specificities of your establishment.


  • Regulation Enables compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Confidence Benefit from personalized training adapted to the level of your teams and the time available.
  • Savings Reduce the risk of product / surface contamination and the associated costs, by raising the awareness of your teams.
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Food analysis

In order to guarantee safe products for your consumers, all catering and catering professionals are asked to set up a microbiological control plan in their establishments. Analysis on surfaces and equipment to verify the correct application of cleaning procedures, analyzes on your products to ensure that they are safe. With our accredited laboratories in France, we are able to provide you with a reliable service.


  • Regulation Allows compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Control Allows you to control the hygiene of your establishment and the correct application of your cleaning procedures.
  • Serenity Allows you to ensure that the products / dishes offered are safe for your customers.
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Mérieux NutriSciences has more than 230 auditors, samplers and trainers across the country. A real proximity argument which, with our strong experience, places us today as a leader in the audit market among catering and food professionals.


  • Regulation Allows compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Performance Follow up over time to avoid any food crisis.
  • Confidence Strengthens the image of confidence of your consumers by showing them that you are concerned about the hygiene and the quality of your products.
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With the implementation of transparent controls, your last hygiene score assessed by the official authorities is now visible to all your consumers. In order to be well prepared and to be serene during the passage of the hygiene services, we offer you a "blank" inspection, the assessment grid of which is as close as possible to regulatory requirements. You will be able to correct your weak points upstream.


  • Regulations Be assessed as closely as possible to regulatory requirements.
  • Confidence Anticipate and prepare your teams for the passage of official services.
  • Serenity Correct your weak points upstream.
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