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Biofilms in restoration: Hunt for the indestructible

Food Hygiene News 12 April 2021

What is a Biofilm? It is a collection of microorganisms (bacteria) covered with a gelatinous protection (exopolysaccharides) serving as their armor against the external elements. Once the bacteria mature, they detach from the biofilm and colonize other surfaces and potentially contaminate your products.

What is a Biofilm?

It is a collection of microorganisms (bacteria) covered with a gelatinous protection (exopolysaccharides) serving as their armor against the external elements. Once the bacteria mature, they detach from the biofilm and colonize other surfaces and potentially contaminate your products.

What are the properties of a Biofilm?

  1. A biofilm can therefore contain, among other things, bacteria that are harmful to health.
  2. Organized in a biofilm, these will develop up to 10 times faster than if they were alone in the environment.
  3. The layer surrounding them gives them the ability to resist 100 times more to all conventional cleaning and disinfection products.
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Where to find them?

Bacteria like to organize themselves into a biofilm in damp places, on rough or damaged surfaces and potentially in contact with food, not eliminated if the surfaces are poorly cleaned. Work plan, tools (damaged cutting boards, knives, bowls damaged or having been poorly dried ...), washing tub, tub, slicers, are examples of favorite places for the formation of biofilms. Once properly installed in your kitchen, getting rid of it can be very complicated and contaminated equipment becomes the element responsible for the contamination of your salads and cold preparations.

To accompany you:

The experts Mérieux NutriSciences, have been specifically trained in this problem and equipped with new technologies are able to come diagnose the presence or not of biofilms in your kitchen and offer you an adapted cleaning protocol, as well as prevention and treatment elements to avoid the new installation of biofilm in your establishment.

For more information: [email protected]


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