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Temperature readings
with the traqfood HACCP Application

Thomas, sous chef at Hôtel du Collectionneur, talks about temperature sensors

"We use traqfood sensors for automatic temperature readings, so we don’t have to go round the cold rooms in the morning. We receive all the descriptions and alerts directly by e-mail in the event of a rise or fall in temperature."

  • 1 million of T°C readings taken each month by our customers
  • 57% of our customers use the temperature sensors
  • 12K monthly temperature alerts

Your temperature reading
manual in 2 clicks !

With the traqfood application, you can centralize all your temperature readings in just 2 clicks. You’ll no longer need to keep paper records, which are difficult to retrieve in the event of an inspection by the health authorities.

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Your automatic temperature reading

Thanks to the traqfood app and JRI temperature sensors, all your refrigeration units are automatically read every 15 minutes. This saves you time. You’ll also receive SMS/E-mail alerts in the event of non-compliant readings, so you can avoid losing your merchandise ! *

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