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Food safety and regulation in restaurants: the 10 key elements

Food Hygiene News 12 April 2021

Presentation of legal texts to which catering professionals are subject.

European requirements:

  • Regulation (EC) n ° 178/2002: Basis of the Hygiene Package and the basis of food safety
  • Regulation (EC) n ° 852/2004: Concerns all foodstuffs
  • Regulation (EC) n ° 853/2004: Concerns food of animal origin
  • Regulation (EC) n ° 2073/2005: Sets the microbiological criteria

Additional national requirements:

  • Decree of June 8, 2006: Request for health approval
  • Decree of December 21, 2009: Sanitary rules
  • Decree n ° 2001-73124 June 2011: Training obligation for commercial catering

For an establishment that complies with regulatory requirements, validate the following elements:

  1. Register and / or approve your establishment
  2. Apply the HACCP system
  3. Use the Guide to Good Hygiene Practices
  4. Set up self-checks / microbiological controls (surface and material analyzes, microbiological analyzes of products / dishes)
  5. Train staff and identify a referent in the HACCP method
  6. Have withdrawal and recall procedures in the event of product contamination
  7. Respect the cold chain
  8. Ensure food traceability
  9. Check the temperatures of its refrigeration chambers
  10. Label your food products, checking the DLC
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La sécurité sanitaire des aliments

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