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Commercial catering training: an obligation?

The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021

Regulation (EC) n ° 852/2004 of April 24, 2004 relating to food hygiene as well as article L.233-4 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code imposes a certain number of restaurant owners requirements relating to hygiene training and food safety of their staff.

I am concerned if I work in:

 * Traditional restaurants, cafeterias and self-service
 * Fast food and take-away restaurants
 * Sales of prepared products on markets or in kiosks (snacks)
 * Food-truck
 * Tea rooms
 * Hotels with catering
 * Bars that serve food to consume
 * Caterers with seats or "bar tables"

What are my obligations ?

1. At least one person from my establishment must be trained in food hygiene by a referenced organization. (Duration of training: 2 days) unless his diploma is registered in the national directory of professional certifications (Decree n ° 2011-731 of June 24, 2011).

2. All staff in my establishment handling food must have received training or precise instructions in good hygienic practices.

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In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, proven by the presentation of a training certificate during the passage of the official services, the sanctions can range from a warning until the closure of the establishment . Mérieux NutriSciences as a referenced organization offers you official hygiene referent training, as well as various training for your teams, in the room, on your site or by e-learning.

For more information: [email protected]

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