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Food safety

The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021

In a context of increasing food crises, it is essential to strengthen food safety by supporting control and prevention measures as well as sanctions in the event of non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

Food security is everyone’s business! Consumer mistrust is growing in the face of the deterioration in the quality of certain foods but also and above all of the resulting health risks.

La sécurité sanitaire des aliments
sécurité alimentaire avec traqfood HACCP
La sécurité sanitaire des aliments

When and where are health checks carried out?

All links in the agrifood chain are affected by these health inspections. It is therefore necessary for inspectors to look at all of these links.

Among these different links on which inspectors act, we find the production link grouping together as main actors farmers, fishermen and breeders. As the latter are not the only ones concerned by these controls, we find the transformation, the second link, which is also impacted by these sanitary inspections. Finally, there is distribution which is the third and last link in the agrifood chain, the major components of which are: the sectors of transport, collective catering, commerce and warehouses. The latter must also be subjected to health checks, knowing that 51% of checks are carried out in restaurants.

Laboratoire d'analyse
Laboratoire d’analyse - sécurité alimentaire traqfood mérieux nutrisciences
Laboratoire d’analyse

Thus, by carrying out checks on each link in the agrifood chain, the objective is to maximize food safety.

Food safety does not stop at borders, on the contrary, these controls have been tightened on imported products and prevent the introduction and export of diseases and non-compliant food from third countries. Imports and exports of products of animal or plant origin, as well as animal feed but also plant and plant products are the foodstuffs subject to health inspections.

How and by whom are health checks carried out?

Each establishment is obliged to comply with hygiene and health safety rules and therefore carry out numerous checks in order to guarantee maximum food safety and quality. Inspectors from a network of approved laboratories are responsible for ensuring that the implementation of measures to guarantee the sanitary quality of products is fully respected.

The inspected establishment is subject, by the inspector, to checks on hygienic conditions, in particular compliance with the cold chain to ensure that any refrigerated or frozen food is maintained at a constant temperature in accordance with regulations. The checks are also carried out on samples taken in laboratories to eliminate any suspicion of a possible contamination of food or plant foods.

Each year, it can be estimated that more than 800,000 analyzes are carried out in approved laboratories.

How can I stay informed of health alerts?

A health alert occurs when cases of illnesses linked to a food or when an anomaly in a foodstuff is detected. In order to inform its consumers, Mérieux NutriSciences ensures daily regulatory monitoring by relying on official French and European sources via the structured monitoring portal CIVAA.

La sécurité sanitaire des aliments
Veille sur la sécurité alimentaire
La sécurité sanitaire des aliments

The various processes put in place by the State and its controls qualify France as one of the countries with the best food safety systems.


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Mérieux Nutrisciences
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Mérieux NutriSciences places the protection of consumers in terms of hygiene and health safety at heart. Today, the group has nearly 100 internationally accredited analysis laboratories. Mérieux NutriSciences France has 7 accredited laboratories, including 1 specializing in hospital hygiene.

More than 250 auditors and samplers in France ensure compliance with health obligations by providing rapid and relevant responses to customers in the agri-food sector, in order to maintain its main objective: quality of service and customer satisfaction.

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