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Oil control

The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021

Several points must be monitored in order to meet hygiene standards. One of these points concerns frying oils. Indeed, decree n ° 2008-184 of February 26, 2008 informs us that frying oils must not have polar compound contents greater than 25%. In the case of a higher content, the oil will be considered unfit for consumption.

What should I do to effectively control cooking oils?

There are three essential points to be put in place to meet the requested standards.

  • First of all, a regular check of the frying oils makes it possible to avoid unpleasant surprises during hygiene checks. This way, it is easy to know when it is necessary to change the oil. It is therefore important to note the result of each control and to archive them in order to have proof of the surveillance.
  • The second point is to check the temperature of the frying oils which must not be higher & nbsp; or equal to 175 ° C
  • Finally, filter the frying oils at each end of use and completely clean the deep fryer pan.

What tools can I use?

  • A calibrated electronic probe: it is used hot (175 ° C max) at the end of service
  • Tabs: after dipping the tab in the oil, the color change will indicate the degree of degradation of the frying oil (measurement of free fatty acids).

What can be the penalties?

The sanction given to a restaurateur who does not meet the required hygiene standards depends on the content of polar compounds measured & nbsp; during the offense. Two types of sanction are possible:

  • If the content of polar compounds is between 25 and 50%, there is a risk of a fine of € 4,500 and / or imprisonment for 3 months.
  • If the content of polar compounds is greater than 50%, there is a risk of a fine of € 37,500 and / or 2 years of imprisonment.

Warning: Oil should never be dumped in the sewers. You must use an approved company to collect and recycle used oils.

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