The 7 main principles of HACCP
The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021The HACCP method is a working tool that makes it possible to best meet the regulatory obligations required of the restaurateur. This method is concerned with 3 hazard classes to guarantee the safety of food in restaurants.
- biological hazards (viruses, bacteria, etc.)
- chemical dangers (pesticides, additives, etc.)
- physical dangers (nail, piece of glass, metal object, etc.)
This HACCP approach is divided into 7 main principles that we will detail in this article in order to help you better understand and implement this concept.
Principle 1: analysis of potential dangers
This step is essential for the HACCP process
The aim here is to identify all the dangers associated with the production of finished products (dish served to the consumer) for each step of the production chain. For example, identify that when cutting meat, there is a risk of contamination from kitchen utensils.
It is also necessary to take into account and assess the probability of occurrence of these dangers (is it everyday? Exceptional?). In the context of our example of contamination of meat cutting, we can estimate that this risk will appear every time we cut meat, which is therefore a risk that can often appear during a service.
Assigning scores to each criterion according to the potential for danger (low, medium, high) makes it possible to prioritize important risks in an efficient manner.
Principle 2: determine the critical control points (CCP)
This is the key step in the HACCP process which makes it possible to determine the critical critical points to be controlled to ensure food safety and the quality of finished products. These critical points are called CCP and are those that will need to be carefully monitored.
To determine CCPs, four questions need to be considered
- Are preventive measures for the identified CCP already present?
- Do these measures eliminate or reduce the occurrence of the danger?
- Does the hazard have an impact on food security?
- Can a later step eliminate or reduce CCP?
If a hazard cannot be controlled then the manufacturing process must be reviewed to comply with mandatory hygiene obligations.
Only CCP causing a certain risk for the product or for the consumer are selected and processed by the HACCP process.
Principle 3: set a critical threshold
In order to know when to start implementing a correction at a CCP, it is necessary to set a critical threshold that differentiates what is compliant and what is not. Thus, target values and tolerance values will be set.
It is important to create a safety margin between the target values. The critical values adopted will therefore be lower than the values requested in the legislation.
It is possible that a CCP is affected by several limits (Temperature and Time for storing vegetables for example)
Principle 4: set up a surveillance system
It is important to have verification procedures in place to ensure that CCPs are properly controlled. This is about putting the institution’s PMS into practice. The cleaning plan, traceability or daily temperature reading of cold rooms are part of the monitoring procedures.
These measures must be kept in order to prove that this system works and is under control.
Principle 5: determine corrective measures
This describes the necessary corrective actions that can be taken to correct a CCP that reaches a critical threshold.
For example, the temperature of one of the cold rooms in our establishment has exceeded the threshold temperature we had set at 5 ° C for more than 15 minutes and continues to increase. It is important to correct this temperature. For this, we will analyze the reason for this modification and apply a corrective measure that can be applied in this case such as closing the door which would have been improperly closed for example.
These actions relate to elements of the transformation process (temperature) as well as to how to manage a non-compliant product (remove the offending foods)
Principle 6: verification of the effectiveness of the HACCP procedures implemented
Once the HACCP approach is in place, it is important to check that the tools necessary for its application are functional. For example, the calibration of the temperature sensors in my cold room is correctly adjusted.
These controls also relate to the follow-up of non-conforming products after a CCP.
It is also necessary to take into account the personnel who will be associated with this HACCP process and ensure that they know how to apply this method.
Principle 7: creation of a file containing all the procedures and implementation of these steps
Keeping all the provisions (procedure, data recording) put in place during the HACCP process in order to prove in the event of a hygiene and inspection audit that the HACCP plan is indeed valid and respected is essential for the sustainability of your establishment.
This also provides a basis for improving the HACCP approach of its establishment and thus avoiding any danger to its consumers.