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What is traceability?

The Regulatory Obligations of the Restaurateur 12 April 2021


Traceability consists of tracking raw materials through to finished products, by tracing the path of a foodstuff through all stages from production to processing and then distribution.

Keeping track of a product’s information from fork to fork allows rapid identification of the items requested during a product check or withdrawal / recall.

Why do traceability?

  • Ensure the health and protection of consumers
  • Respect the regulations
  • Ensure an optimal quality approach
  • Increase efficiency during a product withdrawal / recall

There are 3 levels of traceability

  1. Upstream traceability: Know the origin of all foodstuffs and raw materials entering the establishment.
  2. Internal traceability: Knowing how to make the link between the materials received and the finished products
  3. Downstream traceability: Identify which product has been sold / supplied to which professional customer (B2B sales only)

Information to keep

A minimum

  • Name of supplier
  • Product Name
  • Delivery date

Plus the key elements for perfect traceability

  • Quantities received
  • DLC / Lot number

Retention period of traceability information

  • Products without DDM *: Archiving period 5 years
  • Products including DDM * & gt; 5 years: Archiving duration DDM * + 6 months (some cans)
  • Perishable products including the DLC & lt; 3 months or without DLC: Archiving period 6 months from the date of delivery or manufacture

The company can choose the support of its traceability system which can be based on a simple handwritten document or more or less sophisticated IT support **

*DDM : Date de Durabilité Minimale
**Extrait du Guide des Bonnes Pratiques d’Hygiène du Restaurateur validé par les Ministères (page 147)


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